Import data from MySQL into Service-now

Mid Server

To import data from My SQL server into service now we can use MID Server and Data source. MID Server is required when we need to access on premises data(i.e when machine/any server is in Virtual Private Network)

Mid Server is a Java application, through which Service-now can communicate with external applications which are running in Clients VPN i.e. Virtual Private Network. Mid Server need to install in Clients Network to get or send data to Clients tool which are in their VPN.


We used MID server here because client MySQL server is in VPN, so installed the mid server in client VPN and same mid server we are using in data source.

ECC Queue -

Mid Server talks with service now using ECC (External Communication Channel).

Mid Server Script Include:

Mid Server Script Include, are the script, which we will execute on Mid Server For example

1. If we need to connect with jira tool which is in VPN to create a ticket in JIRA and update the response which we are getting from jira into service-now ticket.

2. We need to create a Mid Server script include(Java code) , which will run on the Mid server, which will call the jira web service to create a ticket and take the response and the same response will send to service now table as an update by calling service now web service.

3. After creating mid server script include, we need to create a record into ecc queue against the specific mid server so that script will execute on that specific mid server.

Mid Server Installation Steps -

  1. Download mid server from service now instance from left navigation menu.
  2. Download Mid Server
  3. Create one folder("MeghanaMidServer ") in C drive and extract the downloaded ZIP (MID Server setup) in this folder.
  4. Extract Midserver



  1. Open “config.xml” file and configure ServiceNow instance details along with newly created user with “mid_server” role and mentioned MID server name as “MeghanaMidServer”(This name will appear in ServiceNow once we done with setting and mid server started).
  2. Configure Midserver
  3. Once done with all configurations start midserver by running start.bat file
  4. Start Midserver




  1. Once the above configurations and observations are fine, and then check in whether our mid server is appearing and with status “UP” or not.
  2. Start Log


  1. Go to service now instance->MID Server->Server = MeghanaMidServer

check its status and validate it(Validation means service now instance version and mid server instance is same).

Validate Server





Create New Data Source:




Name - Name of data source

Import set table label - Provide any label for import set

Import set table name - New import set will be created with this name

Type - Select type of data source (JDBC,FILE,LDAP etc)


Use MID Server  - Specify name of the mid server to which we need to connect from service-now




Install XAMPP server on your machine.


Start MySQL server - it will list port number.


Format - Specify data source format(MySQL,Oracle, SQL Server)

-- None -- MySQL Oracle SQLServer

Database name - Create database in any db server(Created in MySQL server) and specify that db name here

Database port - Use db port number shown on XAMPP control panel against MySQL


Username  - Specify MySQL server user name and password



Open link -


It will show you local host server address, use that address here.




PHP Admin Page

Query - It will query on table in such a way that it will return all rows from table, or we can write specific SQL (Select required fields or add filter conditions)

All Rows from Table Specific SQL

Table name - This table should be present in database.

Import Set

Click on Load All Records - It will load all the records from specified table(book) into import set(u_myimportset).


Import set


Verify data in import set from left navigation.

Verify Import set

Transform Map -

To dump/ transform import set data into table, we need to create target table first. Create new table(book) from left navigation. add required fields (id,title,author) those are in MySQL db table.

From left navigation go to transform map

Transform map

Name - Specify name for new transform map

Source table - Select import set

-- None -- Computer [imp_computer] Import Incident [u_import_incident] Location [imp_location] MyDataSource [u_myimportset] Notification [imp_notification] User [imp_user]




Target table - Select table book in which we need to insert data



Filed Mapping - Perform mapping of import set filed with actual table


Click on transform - check the data is loaded in book table. here we are manually transforming import set data into table. but to automate this task we can use schedule job.

Verify data in transform map

Schedule Job :

Go to your data source from left navigation -> configure-> Related list-> add  Scheduled Data imports

Scheduled data import


Scheduled data import2

By selecting Run = Daily, This will transform data daily from data source into import set table.


Source Script -

Open filed map - > select any filed

Transform source scipt


Click on Use source script checkbox -> it will allow you to run any script on this filed, before inserting data into target table.

In following example script, we are adding PR as prefix  to the title.

Transform scipt




Execute schedule job to load newly added data from my sql table to target table

Execute schedulejob

Check Prefix PR is added in title

verify prifix